Spawn a hammer or create an entire base, starting with just a stick. However, you can now craft or build anything with the basic items found on every single island. This means while there are features that circumvent normal gameplay, you can still die from sharks and you still adhere to gravity. Page created by /u/dirtyrobot please message him about anything pertaining to this page.This is a semi-creative mode mod. It is not a live minimap but rather uses the save file data.* by /u/timwxx

**():** *It is a very simple utility designed to help navigate around and explore the world without getting lost. **():** *A tool to manually create maps for Stranded Deep.* by /u/skeggjaor **():** *Temporary bug fixes, spawn-able storage & beds, and other toys.* by /u/TwistedMexi **():** *A collection of my personal balance, game play tweaks and bug fixes.* by /u/hazens1
**():** *A resources mod that allows you to obtain a stick, rock, palm frond, or coconut from the renewable Yucca lashings.* by /u/thewalex **():** *This mod changes the stock paddle/oar sound to something that is a bit easier on the ears for those who spend long hours at sea.* by /u/Ghosticus
#List of Mods & Mapping Tools for the Game Page created by /u/dirtyrobot please message him about anything pertaining to this page. It is not a live minimap but rather uses the save file data. Stranded Deep Mapper: It is a very simple utility designed to help navigate around and explore the world without getting lost. Stranded Deep Map Maker Tool: A tool to manually create maps for Stranded Deep. Stranded Deep Trainer: Temporary bug fixes, spawn-able storage & beds, and other toys.

SDTweaks Mod: A collection of my personal balance, game play tweaks and bug fixes. by /u/Ghosticusĭriftwood Sticks, Rocks, and Coconuts Recipe Mod 0.1: A resources mod that allows you to obtain a stick, rock, palm frond, or coconut from the renewable Yucca lashings. Your game get's to the point where it's no longer working, you may try to verify your game cache on steam.Ĭalmer Paddle Sound Mod: This mod changes the stock paddle/oar sound to something that is a bit easier on the ears for those who spend long hours at sea. If you replace or modify a file or folder, you should make backups of the originals. Do not blame us, the devs, or the mod creators. Mods are currently not completely supported by the devs, thus you modify the game at your own risk. List of Mods & Mapping Tools for the Game
If you submit a link or discussion to or explain or ask how to obtain pirated material you will be banned. Please show respect to Redditors and Moderators. If you're posting Gameplay, First Impression, Let's Play, Streams or Video Guides Please post them to /r/SDGameplay, Not here. Come face to face with some of the most life threatening scenarios that will result in a different experience each time you play. Take the role of a plane crash survivor stranded somewhere in the Pacific Ocean. You can learn more about this subreddit here Hello, and welcome to /r/StrandedDeep The Official Subreddit for the indie Island Survival game Stranded Deep.